Microscope Museum Collection of antique microscopes and other
scientific instruments |
25 (assigned
to Deyrolle; modèle E; late 19th century to early 20th
century) The ‘Les fils d'Émile
Deyrolle’, which traded from 1831 to 2003, was originally founded by
Jean-Baptiste Deyrolle in Paris, France. He sold insects for natural history
collections, and the business was passed down in the family and expanded to
taxidermy and other natural history specimens. Four generations after opening
the business the heirs changed the name to "Les Fils d'Émile Deyrolle”
(they had taken over the business by 1896). At some point in history, they
traded also optical instruments such as microscopes and other scientific equipment
for the mounting, displaying, and maintenance and care of natural history
specimens and collections. Microscope 25 is a simple compound
microscope of simple make used essentially for didactic exercises or simple
observations and can be dated to the late 19th century and early 20th century.
The ‘Colección de Instrumentos Científicos: G. Crovetto’ displays an
identical microscope, and they describe that the box containing their
microscope contains a label indicating ‘A. Franks, Optician, Hull and
Manchester’. However, it is likely that this firm was only a retailer for
these instruments in England. An identical microscope appears also in a late
19th century catalogue of the American retailer B. Kahn & Son,
where it was called household microscope. This instrument is most
probably of French origin and is pictured in the catalogue Micrography of July 1900,
edited by the Parisian firm ‘Les Fils d'Émile Deyrolle’ (where it was called microscope
a renversement Modèle E) (Figure 1). The same instrument is also featured in the
catalogues of other retailers such as E. Vion and Gambs. Figure 1. Microscope
a renversement Modèle E as engraved in the catalogue Micrography of July 1900, edited
by the Parisian firm ‘Les Fils d'Émile Deyrolle’. The same microscope appears in a
subsequent 1931 catalogue of the same firm. References B Kahn & Son (c. 1890)
Illustrated catalogue of optical and meteorological instruments (5th edition) Emille Deyrolle (1900)
Catalogue de micrographie Emille Deyrolle (1931)
Instruments pour les sciences naturelles Microscopio A. Franks.
Monocular Compound Microscope (https://sites.google.com/site/coleccionguillermocrovetto/home/ingleses/a-franks),
last accessed on 12.08.2020 LAST EDITED: 15.08.2020 |