Microscope Museum Collection of antique microscopes and other
scientific instruments |
199 (Moreau;
drum-like microscope; mid-19th century) Gustave Moreau (1805 – 1880) was a
manufacturer of binoculars installed in Paris since 1830. The business of
Moreau was merged with other opticians in 1849, forming the Deraisme house
(167 Rue Saint-Maur, Paris), which specialised in binoculars and spotting
telescopes, particularly for military use. Moreau is more known for the
creation of the famous ‘Monkey Microscope’. Microscope 199 is a
drum-like microscope and is engraved with ‘Moreau’ in its inside base, being
assigned to this Parisian maker. The instrument should be dated to the
mid-19th century. References MOREAU
Gustave 1805-1880 (http://histoiredumicroscope.com/moreau-1855-1880/), last accessed on
16.07.2021 Figurative
miniature microscope by Gustave Moreau, Paris, ca. 1850 (https://www.microscopehistory.com/moreau-statuette), last accessed on
16.07.2021 Moreau
Paris: Monkey Microscope (https://www.musoptin.com/item/monkey-microscope-moreau-1871/), last accessed on
16.07.2021 Moreau
Paris: Affenmikroskop / "Monkey Microscope" (http://www.museum-optischer-instrumente.de/monkey_microscope.html), last accessed on
16.07.2021 LAST
EDITED: 25.07.2021 |