Microscope Museum Collection of antique microscopes and other
scientific instruments |
193 (Carl
Schütz & Co; student microscope; early 20th century) The Schutz company was
originally founded c. 1900 in Cassel, by Carl Schutz, and specialised in
binoculars, microscopes and telescopes. The name was changed in 1912 from
Carl Schutz & Co to Carl Schutz Optische Werke AG. In the mid 1920s the
company merged with Ruf & Co to create Schutz Ruf & Co. Cassel (the
spelling of which was changed to Kassel in 1926). Microscope 193 is labelled
with ‘Schütz A-G Cassel, DRGM’ and should be dated from the early 20th
century. The acronym DRGM corresponds to ‘Deutsches Reich Gebrauchsmuster’
(German patent). References Schütz A.- G. Nº 42145 (c 1915). Monocular Compound Microscope (https://sites.google.com/site/coleccionguillermocrovetto/home/alemanes/shuzt), last accessed on
06.07.2021 Microscopio Schutz A. G. Cassel. Alemania. c.1900. (https://www.perea-borobio.com/87-microscopio-schutz-a-g-cassel-alemania-c-1900/), accessed on
06.07.2021 LAST
EDITED: 25.07.2021 |