Microscope Museum

Collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments




      A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated       A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated  A black text on a white background

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PALMER (London, England)


A black and white picture of a steam locomotive

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A green cover of a book

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A paper with text on it

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Palmer (1840)

Chemistry, pneumatics, optics and others

Palmer (1932)

Research and students apparatus

Palmer (1934)

Research and Students Apparatus




A close-up of a list of telescope equipment

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WR Parks Co (1981)





A cover of a book

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Parks Optical (1985)





A close-up of a document

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Parke Davis & Company (1894)

 Laboratory products


A white paper with black text

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A close-up of a document

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James Parkes & Son (1857)

Optical mathematical and philosophical instruments

*James Parkes & Son (1862)

Simple and compound microscopes



A black and white photogram

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A black and white page of a newspaper

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A black and white page of a paper

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A paper with text and numbers

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Pellin (1898)

Instruments d optique

Pellin (1899)

Instruments d optique

Pellin (1899)

Instruments d optique

Pellin (1900)

Instruments d optique





A close-up of a paper

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A black and white paper with text

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A black and white paper with text

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A black and white newspaper

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Ph & F Pellin (1910s)

 Instruments d’optique et de precision

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique





A close-up of a document

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A black and white newspaper with text

Description automatically generated

A black and white newspaper

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A white paper with black text

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Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Ph Pellin (1900)

Instruments d’optique

Pellin (1914)***

Instruments d optique et de precision




Wilhelm Petzold (Leipzig, Germany)


A black and white paper with text

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Wilhelm Petzold (1891)

Instrumente und Apparate fur physiologische Experimente





A black and white poster of a scientific experiment

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Phipps & Bird (19xx)

Pharmacologys Physiologys Psychologys Experimental Therapeutics





A black and white photo camera

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Photo Plait (1928)***

Photographie appareils et materiels





A close-up of a paper

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Henri Picard (1910)

Instruments pour dentistes


A pink advertisement with a couple of people on it

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Geo H Pierce (1888)

 Stereopticons, dissolving view apparatus, and magic lanterns



A close-up of a book

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A white paper with black text

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A close-up of a book

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A close-up of a book

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B Pike (1848)

Catalogue of optical instruments (Vol I)

B Pike (1848)

Catalogue of optical instruments (Vol II)

B Pike (1856)

Catalogue of optical instruments (Vol I)

B Pike (1856)

Catalogue of optical instruments (Vol II)





A close up of a sign

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B Pike (c. 1890)

Catalogue of optical instruments






A close-up of a book

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M Pillischer (1873)

Achromatic microscopes




A white paper with black text

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Pixii (1845)***

Instruments de physique



A close-up of a document

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Plossl (1874)

Achromatischen microscope




A cover of a book

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A white paper with black text

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Polarex (1960s)


Polarex Unitron (1973)




F & J Porges (Paris, France)


A white paper with black text

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F & J Porges (1906)

Instruments de chirurgie





A red paper with black text

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Poulenc Freres (1920)***

produits et appareils de laboratoire




Georges Prin (Paris, France)


A white paper with black text

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Georges Prin (1928)***

Lunettes astronomiques et terrestres





A black book with gold text

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Prolabo (1932)

Appareils de laboratoire




A cover of a book

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Pyrex (1935)***

Le Pyrex moul et souffle pour laboratoires



* Catalogues adapted from the Little Imp Suite of Books and Catalogues on Microscopes and Microscopy (http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/Little-Imp/index.html), after authorisation was kindly conceded from the author Steve Gill. These files are for personal use only, must not be further distributed or hosted online elsewhere, and under no circumstances should they be offered for sale either singly or as compilations without the permission of the respective authors (their contacts can be found in the respective webpages above).

***Catalogue hosted at the Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers (Le CNUM – CNAM; https://cnum.cnam.fr/thematiques/fr/catalogue_general/cata_auteurs.php)